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Oura Ring

How Stress Affects Your Sleep
Tired but wired? Learn the science behind stress and sleep, and how to reverse the impacts of stress on your shuteye.

Is It Good to Have a High Heart Rate During a Workout?
Here's what you need to know about your workout heart rate, including the benefits and drawbacks of having a high heart rate during exercise.

The Oura Q&A: Human Performance Coach Andy Walshe, PhD
Human performance expert, coach, and Oura advisor Andy Walshe, PhD, shares how to unlock your full potential using Oura along the way.

How Late-Night Eating Can Impact Your Sleep
Late-night eating? Not so fast. Learn how a midnight meal can harm your sleep, and what to choose if you must grab a bite before bed.

After a Tragic Loss, Rhonda C. Used Oura to Guide Her Healing
A 51-year-old gym owner, this member experimented with strategies and habits to improve her sleep, menopause symptoms, and overall health.

The Benefits of Morning Sunlight & How to Make it a Habit
Morning sun exposure is a research-backed way to feel more alert and sleep better. The best part? All you need is 5-10 minutes.

This Pharmacist Uses Oura to Sleep Better Despite Challenging Shift Work
After 13 years of shift work, Linda knows the importance of a good night's sleep. Here's how she uses Oura to help.

Your Mindset Matters: How to Build Resilience to Stress with a Growth Mindset
Stress is a fact of life – but how you view and approach stress can empower you to harness it for good.
obé Fitness
Freelance Health/Fitness Content

How Teens Can Cope with An Instant Gratification Society - Soul Shall Overcome
In a world of immediate gratification and constant dopamine hits, many teens struggle to put "pleasure" on the back burner.

What Does IFBB Pro Shaun Clarida Eat In A Day?
Ever wondered what a pro bodybuilder eats in a day? You've come to the right place.

The 12 Hidden Metrics That Tell You if Your Life Id Going Well or Not
Forget money and accolades; these are the hidden - more accurate indicators of a good life

7 Strategies Writers Can Use to Increase Their “Luck Surface Area”
What does it mean to be lucky? Make your own luck, and improve your field of opportunity as a writer.

Living With a Partner Who Has Sleep Apnea
For many, being close with your partner seems challenging. It all comes down to what happens between the sheets (or what doesn't happen).

The Forgotten Role of Micronutrients in Body Recomposition- Breaking Muscle
When it comes to talking about food and dieting in the fitness industry, one term you hear over and over is macronutrients. It's lesser discussed counterpart- micronutrients - are the topic for today's piece

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Indigestion Naturally - alive magazine
Your complete source for natural health and wellness

Here's How Fitness Improves Mental Health - Gold's Gym

How Writers Can Use Epistemic Humility To Write Better Content
Controversy gets clicks. But humility builds an audience.

Here's How Deontological Ethics Will Make You Never Miss A Workout Again: Duty vs, Emotion
Focusing on the inherent moral value of action over motivation will keep you consistent.

How to Intensify Your At-Home Bodyweight Workout - Breaking Muscle
It's more important than ever to understand. how to adapt your training to keep getting results.

Work Out Smarter: 3 Keys to Maximizing Muscle Growth
If you want to maximize your ability to grow muscle, you better make sure these 3 key principles are in every single one of your workout routines!
In the Press
"This 27-Year-Old Quit Her Job ‘With No Backup Plan.’ Now She Makes $10,000 Per Month Freelancing on Fiverr"
Strength Fitness and Health Magazine
"Managing Stress and Anxiety with Emilina Lomas - Interview"
Business Insider
"I Made $10,000 a Month Freelancing After Getting My Start on Fiverr. Here Are 9 Strategies I Used to Maximize My Earnings."
Inspire Your Success Podcast
From Nutritionist to Full-Time Fitness Writer - Emilina Lomas
Business Insider
"5 Writers Break Down How They Launched Careers From Their Copywriting Side Hustles and Now Make up to 6 Figures"
Freelance Life Magazine
"Freelance Success Stories — Hard Work, Passion, and Dedication That Payback"